Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Character names and their meanings

I thought this was so interesting!
Cinna was a poet in one of Shakespeare's plays who tried to start a rebellion. He conspirated against the leader Julius Caesar and was thus killed... does this give us any hints?

Effie derives from the name Euphemia, or "fair speech" (eu = well, good; pheme = voice) which makes sense, because she is an escort and public speaker. However, there is more to the name Euphemia than just being able to talk well - there is a whole story behind the name that is rather shocking when compared with Suzanne's Hunger Games. Euphemia was a young christian girl who was martyred because of her faith. Where she lived, the governor made a decree that all citizens had to take part in ritual sacrifices. Euphemia, or Effie, however, refused to take part in these sacrifices, and she and her friends were thereby tortured. One of these tortures; being trapped in an arena with a wild bear; ended up killing Euphemia. So, by refusing to follow in her government's footsteps and not take part in the sacrifices, she inadvertently brought about her death.

Finnick, along with being a Scottish city, means a variety of things when one "n" is taken away. Finick means "to affect extreme daintiness or refinement", "to trifle or dawdle", and finnicky means "excessively particular or fastidious, difficult to please, fussy, exacting, demanding, meticulous, choosy and picky."

Interesting right? You can read the rest of the characters here

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